Convert Lightwave Scene files with European numbering system to US system If you are using a PC that has a numbering system like : 12.345,00 then Lightwave 10.0 or 10.1 will not load scenesfiles you receive from other countries correctly. To solve this you need to set your windows Regional settings to a numbering system like : 12,345.00. The decimal point needs to change from a , (comma) to a . (period). This allows you to load up scenefiles from others, but now you cannot load the scenes you created earlier with LW 10.0 or 10.1. To convert those scenefiles, I have setup a website that converts these scenefiles. It will convert all 12.345,00 to 12,345.00. You can find the website here (free and no user registration required). Or go visit for more information